Our Mother’s Day Mosaic

How can one be a mother yet not a mother at the same time? How can one be a daughter yet an orphan all at once at never at all?  How can we walk that line of in-between and straddle both worlds of decadent joy and pure loss? . Mother's Day is complicated and almost … Continue reading Our Mother’s Day Mosaic

The Cult of Birthmother’s Day – A Mother’s Day Celebration For First Moms – #Not a BraveLove

It's almost electric, the emotions flying around social media this time of year. Like a storm brewing or a dam waiting to explode from too much pent-up pressure in the tidal wave of water, Mother's Day elicits an almost primal, and strong, response from those of us in the adoption community. Especially us first/birth/natural mothers. … Continue reading The Cult of Birthmother’s Day – A Mother’s Day Celebration For First Moms – #Not a BraveLove